I am a list maker…
And when producing a shoot, I go through a LOT of paper making lists…
And with producing a shoot as BIG as the State of Origin, it’s all about working the list with military precision.
I thrive on a meaty challenge—and producing this shoot was definitely one of them.
The narrow timeframe and huge scope of the project meant that I had to pull together a band of photographers that could work together seamlessly and with speed. The precision factor was critical in arranging a schedule marked by seconds not minutes.
Weeks of planning were needed to put together precise details for every aspect of the shot list: player schedules, wardrobe changes, makeup, location, space, time, lunch etc. With players literally arriving from all over the country the day was planned to perfection, until… there was a huge car accident on the freeway, blocking the players travel from their airports to the shoot.
However, with some expert shuffling and all round patience from everyone involved, we completed the entire shoot perfectly and even caught up to the original timeframe. It’s not only in the planning but the delivery in adverse circumstances.
Thanks to Mark Duffus and Leon O’ Neil for doing such a sterling job alongside the other photographers.
The photography is the work of Mark—who had literally seconds to shoot each player for this poster, along with the shot list from hell—your skill under pressure is awesome.
And the deft creative work of Glenn Scott from KCC Advertising in putting it all together to create State of Origin awesomeness.
Go Queenslander.